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  • 铂金战士
  • 铂金战士
  • 帖子: 210

RARS2基因介绍 创建者 凤凰仅代表作者观点,不作为诊疗依据



相关疾病:脑桥小脑发育不全6型(AR)(有些可以没有脑桥小脑发育不良的影像学特征[1],部分患儿可以表现为 进行性肌阵挛癫痫 [2], West 综合征 [3])

相关临床研究:PubMed数据库(PMID:  29881806 (Epilepsia Open. 2018) ; PMID:  27061686 (Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2016) ; PMID:  27769281 (Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2016)

用药提醒考虑到该基因可影响到线粒体,有癫痫发作时丙戊酸钠可能并不适合,不作为优先考虑(可先考虑其它药物,个人观点仅供参考)。关于使用生酮饮食,有改善的个例报道,也有报道没有明显改善的[1, 3],另外也个例报道使用低糖高脂饮食(类似生酮饮食)同时给予维生素B1、B2及辅酶Q10对病情有一定帮助[4]。  

  1. Nishri, D., et al., RARS2 mutations cause early onset epileptic encephalopathy without ponto-cerebellar hypoplasia. Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 2016. 20(3): p. 412-7.
  2. Mathew, T., et al., Expanding spectrum of RARS2 gene disorders: Myoclonic epilepsy, mental retardation, spasticity, and extrapyramidal features. Epilepsia Open, 2018. 3(2): p. 270-275.
  3.  Ngoh, A., et al., RARS2 mutations in a sibship with infantile spasms. Epilepsia, 2016. 57(5): p. e97-e102.
  4. Luhl, S., et al., Novel homozygous RARS2 mutation in two siblings without pontocerebellar hypoplasia - further expansion of the phenotypic spectrum. Orphanet J Rare Dis, 2016. 11(1): p. 140.
2022-05-26 09:50 #1

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