Category: 历年癫痫发作及综合征分类
Number of Subcategories: 1
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Files: 5
Downloads: 15

Epilepsy: a paroxysmal cerebral dysrhythmia


A Proposed International Classification of Epileptic Seizures

Clinical and Electroencephalographical Classification of Epileptic Seizures

Proposal for Revised Clinical and Electroencephalographic Classification of Epileptic Seizures

Proposal for Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes

Proposal for Revised Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes

Expanding the International Classification of Seizures to provide localization information

Semiological Seizure Classification

A Proposed Diagnostic Scheme for People with Epileptic Seizures and with Epilepsy: Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification and Terminology

Report of the ILAE Classification Core Group

Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies: Report of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology, 2005–2009

ILAE Classification of the Epilepsies Position Paper of the ILAE  Commission for Classification and Terminology

Classification of paroxysmal events and the four-dimensional epilepsy classification system

The ILAE classification of seizures and the epilepsies: Modification for seizures in the neonate. Position paper by the ILAE Task Force on Neonatal Seizures