

相关疾病:肌纤维颤搐(AD)[3];自限性家族性新生儿癫痫(AD)[4];自限性家族及非家族性婴儿癫痫(AD)[5]、伴中央颞区棘波的儿童癫痫 (原先习惯叫BECT)易感基因?(AD)[6];发育性癫痫性脑病7型(部分可表现为大田原综合征(AD)、West 综合征(AD)[2]等)。


相关临床研究:PubMed数据库(PMID: 30771507 (Eur J Med Genet. 2019));





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  2. Kato, M., et al., Clinical spectrum of early onset epileptic encephalopathies caused by KCNQ2 mutation.Epilepsia, 2013. 54(7): p. 1282-7.
  3. Wuttke, T.V., et al., Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability due to dominant-negative KCNQ2 mutations.Neurology, 2007. 69(22): p. 2045-53.
  4. Singh, N.A., et al., A novel potassium channel gene, KCNQ2, is mutated in an inherited epilepsy of newborns.Nat Genet, 1998. 18(1): p. 25-9.
  5. van Roest, A., et al., The clinical and genetic spectrum in infants with (an) unprovoked cluster(s) of focal seizures. Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 2020. 24: p. 148-153.
  6. Neubauer, B.A., et al., KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 mutations contribute to different idiopathic epilepsy syndromes. Neurology, 2008. 71(3): p. 177-83.