

相关疾病:新生儿重度脑病(XLR)[1];X连锁遗传性精神发育迟滞综合症(XLR)[2];Rett综合症(XLD)(部分可表现为非进行性疾病中的肌阵挛脑病Lennox-Gastaut 综合征癫痫性脑病伴慢波睡眠期持续棘慢波)[3-5];自闭症(易感基因)(XL)[6]。


相关临床研究:PubMed数据库(PMID: 27988477(Epilepsy Behav. 2017)




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  2. Lugtenberg, D., et al., Structural variation in Xq28: MECP2 duplications in 1% of patients with unexplained XLMR and in 2% of male patients with severe encephalopathy.Eur J Hum Genet, 2009. 17(4): p. 444-53.
  3. Bartholdi, D., et al., Clinical profiles of four patients with Rett syndrome carrying a novel exon 1 mutation or genomic rearrangement in the MECP2 gene.Clin Genet, 2006. 69(4): p. 319-26.
  4. Kim, H.J., et al., Genetic and epileptic features in Rett syndrome. Yonsei Med J, 2012. 53(3): p. 495-500.
  5. Bhat, S., et al., Continuous spike and wave in slow-wave sleep in a patient with Rett syndrome and in a patient with Lhermitte-Duclos syndrome and neurofibromatosis 1. J Child Neurol, 2014. 29(12): p. NP176-80.
  6. Yu, T.W., et al., Using whole-exome sequencing to identify inherited causes of autism.Neuron, 2013. 77(2): p. 259-73.