
1、局灶起源(Focal onset)

  1. 意识清楚(Aware)/意识受损(Impaired aware)
    1. 运动起源(Motor onset)
      1. 自动症(automatisms)
      2. 失张力(atonic)
      3. 阵挛(clonic)
      4. 癫痫性痉挛(epileptic spasms)
      5. 过度运动(hyperkinetic)
      6. 肌阵挛(myoclonic)
      7. 强直(tonic)
    2. 非运动起源(Non-motor onset)
      1. 自主神经性(autonomic)
      2. 行为终止(behavior arrest)
      3. 认知性(cognitive)
      4. 情感性(emotional)
      5. 感觉性(sensory)
  2. 局灶继发双侧强直-阵挛发作(focal to bilateral tonic-clonic)

2、全面起源(Generalized onset)

  1. 运动(Motor)
    1. 强直-阵挛(tonic-clonic)
    2. 阵挛(clonic)
    3. 强直(tonic)
    4. 肌阵挛(myoclonic)
    5. 肌阵挛-强直-阵挛(Myoclonic- tonic-clonic)
    6. 肌阵挛-失张力(Myoclonic-atonic)
    7. 失张力(atonic)
    8. 癫痫性痉挛(epileptic spasms)
  2. 非运动(失神)(Non-motor)(absence)
    1. 典型(Typical)
    2. 不典型(Atypical)
    3. 肌阵挛(Myoclonic)
    4. 眼睑肌阵挛(eyelid myoclonia)

3、不明起源(Unknown onset)

  1. 运动(Motor)
    1. 强直-阵挛(tonic-clonic)
    2. 癫痫性痉挛(epileptic spasms)
  2. 非运动(Non-motor)
    1. 行为终止(behavior arrest)




1、Scheffer, I.E., et al., ILAE classification of the epilepsies: Position paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology.Epilepsia, 2017. 58(4): p. 512-521.