

  1. 躯体感觉先兆(somatosensory aura)
  2. 视觉先兆(visual aura)
  3. 嗅觉先兆(olfactory aura)
  4. 味觉先兆(gustatory aura)
  5. 听觉先兆(auditory aura)
  6. 精神先兆(psychic aura)
  7. 自主神经先兆(autonomic aura)
  8. 腹部先兆(abdominal aura)

2、自主神经性发作(Autonomic seizures)

3、愣神发作(Dialeptic seizure)(这是当时新提出的一个术语,也有翻译为呆顿性发作、解离性发作或意识障碍性发作;主要是为了来区别失神发作(absences seizure),因为愣神发作只是单纯从症状学的角度来讲,它既可以是全面性的失神发作也可以是其它局灶性的发作,只是强调有意识的改变)

  1. 典型愣神发作(典型的愣神发作指短暂意识改变发作:<20秒。意识改变开始和结束都是突然的,并经常伴有3Hz有节奏地眨眼。全面性失神癫痫患者常有典型愣神发作)(Typical dialeptic seizures)(Typical dialeptic seizures consist of short episodes of altered consciousness: <20 s. The alteration of consciousness begins and ends abruptly and frequently is associated with rhythmical eye blinking at a rate of 3 Hz. Patients with generalized absence epilepsy often have typical dialeptic seizures)

4、运动发作(Motor seizures)

  1. 简单运动性发作(Simple motor seizure)
    1. 肌阵挛发作(myoclonic seizure)
    2. 阵挛性发作(clonic seizure)
    3. 强直性发作(tonic seizure)
    4. 强直-阵挛发作(tonic-clonic seizure)
    5. 癫痫性痉挛(Epileptic spasm)
    6. 偏转性发作(versive seizure)
  2. 复杂运动性发作(Complex motor seizure)
    1. 过度运动发作(Hypermotor seizure)
    2. 自主运动发作(Automotor seizure)

5、特殊发作(Special seizures)

  1. 失张力发作(Atonic seizure)
  2. 站立不能发作(Astatic seizure)
  3. 运动不能发作(Akinetic seizure)
  4. 运动减少发作(Hypomotor seizure)
  5. 负性肌阵挛发作(Negative myoclonic seizures)
  6. 失语性发作(Aphasic seizure)

6、阵发性事件(Paroxysmal event)



1、Luders, H., et al., Semiological seizure classification.Epilepsia, 1998. 39(9): p. 1006-13.