

  1. 躯体感觉先兆(somatosensory aura)
  2. 视觉先兆(visual aura)
  3. 嗅觉先兆(olfactory aura)
  4. 味觉先兆(gustatory aura)
  5. 听觉先兆(auditory aura)
  6. 精神先兆(psychic aura)
  7. 自主神经先兆(autonomic aura)
  8. 腹部先兆(abdominal aura)

2、失神发作(Absence seizure)

3、精神运动发作(Psychomotor seizure)

4、过度运动发作(Hypermotor seizure)

5、运动发作(Motor seizures)

  1. 肌阵挛发作(myoclonic seizure)
  2. 阵挛发作(clonic seizure)
  3. 强直发作(tonic seizure)
  4. 强直-阵挛发作(tonic-clonic seizure)
  5. 失张力发作(atonic seizure)
  6. 偏转性发作(versive seizure)

6、不能分类的癫痫发作(Unclassified epileptic seizure)

7、不能分类的发作性事件(Unclassified event)



1、Luders, H.O., R. Burgess, and S. Noachtar, Expanding the international classification of seizures to provide localization information.Neurology, 1993. 43(9): p. 1650-5.